Site dedicated to the proper care of the species of land hermit crabs.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Common Misconceptions about Hermit crabs.

This is a quote from Danial Knop that was published in an issue of CORAL magazine in an article about hermit crabs. I think this sums up the common misconception pretty well.

"Hermit Crabs make great childrens pets!" This statement usually refers to hermit crabs from tidal areas as well as the terrestrial varieties. Some retailers offer "Hermie" in a plastic terrarium, complete with colored sand or gravel. The sales pitch claims that they "love to play and frolic with one another" and "interact well with children". After all "Hermie's adapt easily to human companionship".....or so this particular internet retailer claims. " Hermit crabs are quite suitable as pets, as they are small and can live contently in a terrarium for years." These are just a few of the actual claims made. the well-meaning person who falls for this inhumane marketing spiel and acquires the complete "Deluxe" setup, complete with a variety of plastic trinkets, will never witness these animals "feeling right at home", as the adverstisement asserts. Yes hermit crabs can be hardy and resilient , but they do have limits beyond which they are unable to go. They require an appropriate environment, and foods sufficient in amount and variety to allow them to exhibit their natural behaviors . Only then can one truly enjoy the wonder of these tiny creatures.

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Silent Protagonist said...
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